Grooming Tools
I groom my pups most days. I always spray a detangler so as not to break dry hair as I brush. My pups prefer Chris Christiansen wooden toothed brushes, they tell me that these brushes are soft and comfortable on the body. I love the smell and feel of BuddyWash.
The nail file is good for puppies and for owners who are squeemish about using clippers on the nails. I use a clipper for small cats/dogs with a guard so you cannot cut too much.
The cotton balls and antiseptic are for cleaning the ears.
I brush several times a week using a child's toothbrush or a cotton swab and a dab of coconut oil. I am amazed how well coconut oil removes tartar! Coconut oil is also beneficial when ingested, and my Havanese love the taste. This is an excellent web article on the benefits of coconut oil:
Snacks and Treats
I use pureed pumpkin for any loose stools or irregular bowel or tummy issues. One tablespoon a day mixed with food until all is well.
I use diatomaceous earth for internal worms or parasites. This is an excellent alternative to poisons and is very effective. I do not use any other dewormers, I have my pups checked regularly, and worms are not an issue. This product can also be used in bedding or on coats to rid fleas or ticks. I put 1/4 teaspoon in the kibble for ten days every three months.
Raw, freeze-dried meats are a great travel food. I reconstitute the patties with water.
Good training treats are the raw freeze-dried meats.
Puppy Pens
My pups start out in iCrates 24" crates surrounded by 24" high MidWest Exercise Pen. I like the ex pens because they are versatile, the pups can still be a part of the living area, and it keeps them safe, secure, and contained until fully potty trained.
Raw Feeding
I use raw meats, chicken, fish, or eggs. My pups prefer it over dry kibble. It is more easily digested and you have full quality control. You can read my blog on this website for more information. I use a Weston #8 meat grinder to grind raw chicken thighs and breasts.
we love our raw food